Monday, May 26, 2008

Beer, babies and diamond baubles

Over the weekend I found myself on safari in the suburbs, attending a backyard BBQ in celebration of a lovely couples recent nuptials. The relatively enjoyable gathering got rather interesting as I sat back to observe the countless couples interacting with one another. And then it dawned on me - do our conversations turn to child birth, home renos and interest rates the moment we walk down the aisle of marital bliss?

The highlight of the evening had to have been when all the gals gathered to compare engagement rings. Was this for real? A moment that can only be compared to men boasting the quality of their high definition TV’s. I know, how very stereotypical of me but case in point, we are just as bad as the boys are. If not worse really, given the sentimental nature of ones engagement ring. C’est dommage, it’s certainly not my intention to begrudge a gal her bling. However, I’m mildly tempted to rock up to the next fidelity fiesta sporting a 5 carat falsey just to taunt the marrieds. Too much?

It goes without saying, we are what we know. For example, if I spent the good part of my day changing poo poo diapers and minding the baby monitor, I too would find these topics enthralling. (When I say baby, you say poo poo…baby!…baby!…) But alas, I opted for a lawn chair and a wine buzz whilst soaking this all in. I’m sure I’ll eat my words one day…but until then, I’ll continue on with my cheeky rants.

Speaking of cheeky, did anyone catch Sue Johanson’s appearance on Letterman last week? This woman is my hero…check out the saucy minx here.

SATC: The Movie premieres nation wide in…4 MORE DAYS

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sue johanson is my hero too. An inspiration to all nurses and everyone else of where their career can take them if they a pleasure chest of infinite delights