Monday, June 16, 2008

Things that make me go hmmmmmm

Oh Vancouver. Our fair city, voted ‘most livable city' in the world, several times over. Hardly! Don’t get me wrong, I’m not hatin’ on my hometown, however I have observed some rather bizarre occurrences as of late and felt the need to share some minor rants, albeit very tongue in cheek.

May I present the Urban Cowgirl’s Shitty in Vancity Top 5

5) 3D baby. A local Vancouver spa is offering packages for scoping out your unborn embryo whilst enjoying the spa experience. Watch the 3D spectacle unfold on a 42” monitor (optional gender assessment included). Having seen some of my friend’s alien-esque 3D baby images, this is simply disturbing. I’m not interested in sharing spa space with expectant mothers talking placentas and episiotomies. Can’t this be exclusive to prenatal class? Too much information.

4) Taser gun toting Translink employees. Have you seen these guys? Packing weapons reminiscent of The Terminator as they watch over you, with a militant look in their eye. Take head my fellow loser cruiser passengers - you best be buying a ticket when hopping aboard local transit. The people of Poland would certainly agree.

3) Stiletto’s in Yaletown. This supposed trendy part of town offers the appropriate atmosphere to rock your Micheal Kors and all your fabulous footwear. However, this is near impossible given the cobblestone walkways and uneven streets, making what should be a confident strut turn into a sloppy stagger. My poor BF has fallen victim as well, as I cling to him ever so spastically, just to stay upright. Sheesh.

4) June weather. I’m not going to elaborate, let’s just leave it at that.

5) Gregor Robertson wins Vision Vancouver candidacy. Dear god, how do nutbars like this end up in the race for the mayor’s seat of ‘the most livable city’ in the world? The thought of this man representing Vancouver during the 2010 Olympics makes me dry heave. See my previous blog on good ol’ Gregor for some insight into our upcoming civic election. Vote for Peter (Ladner)!

That’s all possums – I was feeling cheeky this week. Clearly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't knock Gregor Robertson unless you have a lot of Provincial dirt on him. He is one of the better MLA's in Victoria. As for Peter Ladner, he looks like a car salesman. Not sure I would trust the man.