Monday, February 23, 2009

Academy Awards post-game review

Possums! Did you watch? The 81st Annual Academy Awards certainly did not disappoint, with it’s fair share of surprises, upsets and just plain upsetting choices in attire. Where do some of these stars find their stylists, on craigslist? I digress, let’s discuss some of the most notable moments of the night.
  • Two thumbs up on Hugh Jackman’s stellar performance as host of the biggest gig in Hollywood. Complete with an opening musical montage and mid-show musical medley with Miss Sasha Fierce herself, is there anything this man can’t do? Wolverine shmolverine...the boy can sing.
  • Ben Stiller’s Joaquin Pheonix parody...sadly accurate, but hilarious nonetheless.
  • Tina Fey co-presenting with Steve Martin, taking a dig at Scientology with a sea of Scientologists in the audience - Will and Jada have zero street cred since adopting this bizarre-o religion.
  • The heart felt presentations delivered by past winners for each of the acting awards, where they share touching stories about each of the nominees. Loved it. I even loved Whoopi in all her leopard print glory.
  • Heath Ledger’s parents and sister accepting the award for best supporting actor on behalf of Ledger’s daughter Matilda. Not a dry eye in the house folks.
  • Jen Aniston co-presenting with Jack Black while Brangelina was seated just a few feet away. She even shot the power couple a big grin, seemingly 50% genuine and 50% ‘look at me with my loyal boy toy at my side, canoodling me nonstop’. John Mayer was on his best behavior, cuz clearly Jen’s bod is a wonderland.
  • Robert Pattinson who plays Edward Cullen in the popular vamp film Twilight. I’m mildly obsessed with this actor who also happens to be a minor. Pervy? Maybe.
And now possums, let’s talk frocks with the...

Urban Cowgirl’s Fashion Flop or Fashion Fabulous - Oscar Edition

The Flops - I'm tempted to try and pluck all of the sparkly petals from Miley's disastrous dress; Jessica Biel looks like she's about to dive into a lobster dinner; Viola Davis looks like a Ferrera Roche, i just want to unwrap her chocolaty goodness; John Legend's lady friend looks like her ta-tas are about to break free from that dress, two words - wardrobe malfunction.

The Fabulous - Taraji P. Henson has got me straight trippin' boo with her beautiful gown, and although a tad bridal-esque, she rocks the look well; SJP was fairytale fabulous in her Dior dream, minus the strange man on her arm...oh wait, that's her hubbie; Natalie Portman was a knock out in this pretty-in-pink number; Kate is simply elegant in YSL.

The most memorable, and perhaps tear jerking moment of the night was during Kate Winslet’s acceptance speech for Best Actress where she asked her dad to whistle so she could see where her parents were sitting in the audience. We heart Kate. Let’s relive this one, shall we?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You nailed this one, Cowgirl! P.S. Watching Kate's speech again, I'm a bumbling work.