Have you ever dreamt that you won the lottery? Perhaps you’ve already accounted for the cash, should you possess a winning ticket one day. I for one buy a lottery ticket every chance I get. I wasn’t always a lotto lover, but the recession inspired me to try my luck. Granted, I have never been in a better financial position since this so-called recession hit. I still like having an excuse to fantasize about my possible fortune. Why is it that spending $2 (no Extra because my Gram says that’s a sham) makes me feel like I have the right to dream of all these things? Somehow having this ticket makes it seem more reasonable to indulge in the fantasy. It singlehandedly shifts my energy into a warm and fuzzy frenzy! No, this is not a plug for The Secret people. On the way home from work today, I mentioned to my bf that we - once again - did not win the lottery. To which he responded “thank god for Wednesday”. Thank god indeed. It’s the next chance to buy a lottery ticket and slip back into fantasyland. Perhaps what I need to do is train myself to dream these things, with or without said ticket?
Here’s the thing possums...I’ve had a number of mysterious cash windfalls myself. Luck you say? Maybe. For example, way back when I was a wee possum, I purchased a $1 scratch’n’win the night before flying to Europe. I won $500, which in those days, translated to paying for my flight. Fast forward a few years, when I won another chunk of change, this time $5000 on a popular Vancouver radio show. In all my cowgirl cavorting, the benjamins always seem to appear when least expected.
The best bit about winning a little cashola is dreaming up all the fabulous things you plan to do with it. For example, I’d rescue and adopt a couple of dogs, name them Horhay and Madonna and dress them in Ed Hardy. I would buy organic, locally produced foods exclusively and volunteer for a good cause. I’d be on a flight to the South of France so fast, ma tête se tourner. While in France I would determine how to spend and invest my millions, beginning with an initial investment in Cole Haan and Jimmy Choo. All while my personal assistant Franc (pronounced Fronk) fluffs my pillows, fixes me a bowl of bouillabaisse and fetches me a glass of rosé. Oui, sil vous plait.
What would you do??
In other news, I now have three - count ‘em - THREE tomatoes on my tomato plant. Maybe this represents my windfall for now.
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