Monday, January 12, 2009

Too Posh to Pick Up the Poop

Last week a dear friend of mine rang me to rant about a particular neighborhood in our fair city with a bit of a shitty habit (pun intended). I’m a big fan of the furry four-legged members of our community, however the people in which they belong to need to clean up their act - literally.

Nothing puts a damper on ones day like discovering that you’ve traipsed through some dog doodie while strutting down the street. Picture it possums; you’re en route to dinner with friends sporting some hot new heels and ‘splat’’re amidst a mound of ca-ca. Or worse, imagine you’re late for a blind date and have to duck into an alley to ditch the dog doodie from beneath your Burberry ballerinas. Sacrelig.

It just so happens that I’m in the midst of relocating to this part of town and felt the need to post a plea to these people who fail to pick up after fido. Passing by a pile of poop in this part of town, or any other for that matter, is simply unacceptable. Pack some baggies next time you walk your pooch people. Surely there’s a bylaw in place for this...

With that, I’ll leave you with this fabulous doggy ezine I discovered. Dog lovers subscribe here!

Woof woof possums.

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